How can I access resources at other libraries? E.g. SCONUL/national libraries?

Submitted by smurugesan on Mon, 01/30/2023 - 12:11

Arden does not have access to the SCONUL reciprocal use scheme as we do not have a print Library collection. Access to the core resources you require for your course are provided in electronic format. If you would like access to any resources outside of the collection, please contact the team at we will then look into whether we can obtain a copy, or find a suitable alternative resource for you.  . For other specialist material, you can also see if there are any Universities local to you that allow you to register and visit outside of the scheme, so it’s best to contact them directly and see what access they allow. Public libraries also offer access to some academic resources on site. Many of the legal deposit libraries (which are entitled to request a copy of everything published in the United Kingdom) are also available to access free of charge. Please see details for each below:  

British Library  

National Library of Scotland  

National Library of Wales 

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