Debate Club! A new, exciting opportunity for all Faculty of Social Sciences students...

Submitted by Victoria Hunter on Thu, 10/19/2023 - 15:54
Justice holding a set of scales

The School of Law invites you to join them in their new Debate Club, taking place on 27th October, 1pm and 3rd November, 1pm!

By joining the Debate Club, you will have the opportunity to learn how to present your ideas and arguments whilst interrogating those of your opponents. This is an exciting opportunity to exercise your public speaking skills and develop confidence in putting forward your views.

The theme of for debate on 27th October is, "Halloween is historically misogynistic and should not be celebrated" - on 3rd November, the theme will then be, "Gender Equality in law has largely been achieved." 

Come along and join what promises to be a lively and informed debate on gender equality!

You can join on Zoom here, or for further details contact the School of Law via their iLearn School page here.


And if you’re interested in attending, but feel you’d also like some insight and support on honing arguments and evaluating resources to support your ideas, you can always support your delve into the Debate Society by coming to one of our Academic Skills Workshops:

“How to write an argument” – find out more and book a place here

“Generating Ideas” – find out more and book a place here