Arden Library Appvent Day #13 - BrowZine

Submitted by elatham on Tue, 11/21/2023 - 12:26
A festive wreath with a number thirteen in the centre on a dark blue background with snowflakes and hanging baubles

For Day #13 of Arden Library’s Appvent Calendar we’d like to tell you all about BrowZine! Academic journals are a huge part of the library’s collection and BrowZine allows you to browse, read, and even follow the academic journals we subscribe to in a beautiful visual display. With BrowZine you can: 

• Browse and read journals: Browse thousands of top journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles.  

• Stay current with My Bookshelf: Create a personal bookshelf of titles to follow and receive new article notifications.  

• Access on any device: Easily access BrowZine from your iOS and Android device and on the web to stay up to date wherever you are.  

• Save and export articles: Use the BrowZine app to save articles for off-line reading or export to services such as DropBox, Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, Papers and more.  

You might sometimes find that you can’t access the full text of an article, even though it’s in a journal in our collection. That’s usually because the publisher has imposed a full text delay. If this is the case, BrowZine will helpfully display a yellow banner at the top of the screen to let you know the length of the delay, and there’ll be a padlock symbol (🔒) next to any issues that contain articles we can’t currently access in full.  

With the BrowZine app, available to download from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Amazon App Store, you can carry our journal collection in your pocket and read and save peer-reviewed articles wherever you are.  

Make some time to explore our journals in one convenient place by visiting or click ‘Browse Journals’ on the library portal to get started. For hints and tips for getting the most out of using this impressive resource, you can see a recording of the session we ran in partnership with ThirdIron here: BrowZine session video. You can also see a quick introduction and overview video here: BrowZine User Tutorial. 

Happy browsing!